How your contact information is to be collected and updated. 

Effective immediately, the collection and ongoing management of the personal information that you choose to share with this local will be done exclusively by you through the use of the portal. Access to this portal is one of your AFGE membership's many benefits.

Why are we making this change at this time? The ability of this local and the AFGE family as a whole to reach you when necessary is critically important, and depending on the circumstances, our approach may require the use of snail mail, which is the tied and true United States Postal Service, EPA's government email, your private email address, and lastly your phone number for both voice and text communication when available. 

This local's ability to individually manage this information is complicated by such things as the ongoing process of staff attrition, the changes you make that may alter the information you may have initially shared, and the limited bandwidth this local has to keep up with making necessary changes. 

Some instances of AFGE's need to reach you include:

How you're to update your profile. 

The process of creating and accessing the website MUST be done when you're not in duty status on your own personally owned device such as a computer or smartphone. 

Update your contact and biographical data as fully as possible.  

Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Update your contact and biographical data as fully as possible.  Everything requested is needed, and the absence of an entry will limit AFGE from certain communications should it be required.